Welcome to the Asenjo-Garcia research group at Columbia University.

In our theory group we investigate problems at the intersection of quantum optics, atomic physics, open quantum systems, and many-body physics. In particular, a significant part of our research focuses on emergent phenomena that arises from photon-mediated atomic interactions. We are interested not only in understanding fundamental physics associated with strongly-interacting atoms and photons but also in how to exploit these phenomena to develop novel applications in quantum information science, sensing, and metrology.


July 10, 2024

Our collaboration with the Lipson group on the Influence of discontinuities on photonic waveguides  is published in Optics Letters!

June 6, 2024

Our manuscript (in collaboration with the Stamper-Kurn group) on State-insensitive wavelengths for light shifts and photon scattering from Zeeman states is published in Physical Review A!

June 3, 2024

Our paper on Universal scaling laws for correlated decay of many-body quantum systems is out! Thanks so much to our colleagues at Caltech!

May 30, 2024

Cosimo’s paper on Collectively enhanced ground-state cooling in subwavelength atomic arrays is out! Thanks to all the collaborators!

May 3, 2024

Our collaboration with the Gaeta and Lipson groups on a N-Way Frequency Beamsplitter for Quantum Photonics is out!

March 14, 2024

Stuart’s paper on Dicke superradiance in ordered arrays of multilevel atoms, in collaboration with Jake Covey and Sebastian Will, is published in Physical Review X Quantum!

December 21, 2023

Our collaboration with Berkeley colleagues sees the light in the form of a paper on Super-radiant and sub-radiant cavity scattering by atom arrays, just published in Physical Review Letters!

December 18, 2023

Our experiment-theory collaboration on Dynamical beats of short pulses in waveguide QED has just been published in Physical Review Research!

Recent publications


Dicke superradiance in ordered arrays of multilevel atoms

S. J. Masson, J. Covey, S. Will, and A. Asenjo-Garcia
PRX Quantum 5, 010344 (2024)

State-insensitive wavelengths for light shifts and photon scattering from Zeeman states

Stuart J. Masson, Zhenjie Yan, Jacquelyn Ho, Yue-Hui Lu, Dan M. Stamper-Kurn, Ana Asenjo-Garcia
Physical Review A 109, 063105 (2024)

N-Way Frequency Beamsplitter for Quantum Photonics

R. Oliver, M. Blau, C. Joshi, X. Ji, R. Gutierrez-Jauregui, A. Asenjo-Garcia, M. Lipson, and A. L Gaeta
arXiv:2405.02453 (2024)

Collectively enhanced ground-state cooling in subwavelength atomic arrays

Oriol Rubies-Bigorda, Raphael Holzinger, Ana Asenjo-Garcia, Oriol Romero-Isart, Helmut Ritsch, Stefan Ostermann, Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestero, Susanne F. Yelin, Cosimo C. Rusconi
arXiv:2405.18482 (2024)